Break free from porn & sex addiction,
Heal betrayal trauma,
and save your marriage
Our subscription service provides 6 hours of weekly live remote support sessions with on-demand replays, self-study coursework, and a supportive community of couples & individuals who are on the same journey.
"I can't tell you how much this program has helped us grow individually and as a couple. You both give us hope and we are definitely daring to connect."

DISCREET Recovery & Healing From the Privacy of Your Own Home...
Attend live group support sessions from the comfort and privacy of your living room. We offer separate support sessions to work on yourself and your relationship with actionable assignments born from the live sessions, and self-study coursework to keep you moving forward. Stay active in your relationship and recovery.
Monday: Addicts Session
Wednesday: Partners Session
Friday: Couples Session
Sunday: Separate Facilitated Support Groups for Both Addicts & Partners
Can’t make it to the Live Session? No Problem!
Replays of the support sessions you missed are available on-demand. Never miss out on your recovery and healing again.

D2C professionals are
Uniquely Qualified...

because they're Recovering addicts too...
You may have already figured this out from listening to their PBSE Podcast. Can you think of anyone better qualified to lead you through the maze than someone who already knows the way? How about 2! Think of Mark and Steve as your Porn/Sex Addiction Guides, able to find you where you are, and show you the way out to a brighter future with real healing and connection - even if you find yourself stuck or lost along the way.
They Understand Recovery is a Team effort...
Mark and Steve aren’t the only ones involved in the program. Their wives, Brittany and Ladawn, often join and share their insights and perspectives. It takes both partners to get through this. To stay accountable. To be educated in what the other is going through and learn healthy ways to communicate without triggering defense systems. To feel heard, seen, loved.

They Won't Judge You,
Because they ARE You...
They spent decades in the depths of addiction.
They know the pain, despair and hopelessness.
They’ve been there - and broken free.
Addiction is messy. Recovery is messy. Don’t do it alone.
watch the video to Learn More About Their Stories
Membership is priced for
couples and Includes:
Weekly 60 Minute Interactive Meeting for Addicts
Weekly 60 minute interactive meeting for partners
Weekly 60 minute Interactive Meeting for Couples
Weekend 90 minute Facilitated Support Group for Addicts*
Weekend 90 minute Facilitated Support Group for Partners*
Live Sessions Are Recorded and available for 2 wks
Easy on-the-go access with the
D2C Mobile app**
Growing Library of Self-Study Courses: D2C Core Concepts and Beyond
Downloadable Recovery and Healing Resources
Assignments for Addicts, Spouses and Couples
Unlimited Access to the "D2C Vault" Training Library
Additional Live Special Broadcasts during the Week!
*Weekend Support Group Programs include 12-Step Integration
**The D2C App is currently in active development - if not working on your device, all D2C subscription services
are available by accessing daretoconnectnow.com on your mobile device of choice.
Forward. Together.
As one.
Dare to Connect is offered as an affordable monthly subscription.
One low price for you both to begin the process of healing, communicating, and moving forward, together, as one.
14 Day Free Trial. Cancel anytime.
What are you waiting for? Click “Get Started”.
Dare to Connect
Every month
Full Access to the entire D2C Program. Price is per couple.
Valid until canceled
14 day free trial

You have the power, and we have
the experience & tools to help you...
Conquer Your Addiction
With D2C support sessions and coursework, you’ll learn how to find the sources of sexual addiction, how to take accountability and let your past teach you, not define you.
Heal Betrayal Trauma
Take healthy steps toward healing from the trauma of addiction & betrayal with Mark & Steve's support and a community of fellow travelers. You’ve both been through a lot.
Repair Your Relationships
Look ahead with hope knowing that you have the tools and support to live a happier, more fulfilling life with real connection, effective communication and deeper intimacy.