Sick & Tired of the Roller Coaster Ride of Porn/Sex Addiction? Simple Tools to Start Breaking Free.
My Spouse “Fooled” Me and Everyone in Our Family for Years! Now I Can’t Stand to Even Look at Him!
What is the Difference Between “Codependence” and Authentic Feelings & Boundaries?
How Can a Porn/Sex Addict in Recovery, most effectively project His Authenticity and Higher Self?
What is “His” Role and “Her” Role in Rebuilding Trust?
Should I Marry My Porn-Addicted Fiancé or Move On?
What Happens when Porn Use/Sex Addiction is Blamed on the so-called “Inadequacies” of a Partner?
After Lying & Gaslighting, My Partner Won’t Believe Me! How Do I Show True Empathy & Rebuild Trust?
Boundaries, Trauma and “Long-Distance-Sex”–Where do We Go From Here?
Will Confronting my Addict’s "Acting-Out Partners" Help Me Heal?
What Place Does “Edging” Have or Not Have in Healthy Recovery and Healing a Relationship?
My Partner’s Definition of “What is Porn” is Different from Mine—We are at an Impasse—Now What?!
My Porn/Sex Addict Partner’s “Empathy Button” is Broken! What Can I Do?
How can we Connect When My Partner Acts Out and Then Goes to Shame—Silent, Stoic and Self-Absorbed?!
“Clearing Away the Wreckage of Your Past"—Recovery Lessons from Steve’s Metal Detecting Trip
I Want My Addict Partner to SUFFER; to Feel TERRIBLE like I do! How Can I Stop these Feelings?!
Evolve from Treating the “Symptoms of Addiction” to a Real & Lasting “Change of Heart & Mind."
Should I Pay Off My New Spouse's "Porn Debt" So We Can Have a Solid Financial Start?
Is There a “Statute of Limitations” on Feelings, Betrayal Trauma and Disclosure?
How do I Stop Comparing Myself to Porn and His Sexual Fantasies?