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Can I Ever Go Back to Porn?

In this episode, Mark and Steve openly address a common issue they faced in their own recoveries, and one they see often with their clients—"Can I ever go back to porn?" What this means to most men in recovery is—"Can I ever just live like a 'normal' guy?" Do I have to do this "recovery stuff" the rest of my life?! What about masturbation, provocative movies and entertainment, certain sexual practices? What are the boundaries and can these change after I have a period of sobriety? And VERY importantly--HOW does this whole train of thought and questions affect a spouse suffering from betrayal trauma? What boundaries can and should she expect and enforce?

Learn more about Mark Kastleman at: Reclaim Counseling Services Here's a great article on the "Brain Science" behind porn and sex addiction— Here's an article about healing Betrayal Trauma— Want to learn more about HOW to break free from porn?— Wondering if your marriage can survive porn and sex addiction? This article will give you some hope—



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