Where is the line between “loving” someone and “trusting” them?
Spiritual Safety and Sexual Intimacy: You Can Have Both!
Is it "OK" to "Offend" Your Partner?
Great! He’s in Recovery . . . but What is He Thinking?
Why Would the Man Who Loves Me, "Gaslight" Me?!
What Does it Take to Get "SERIOUS" about Real Change?
The Addict's Journey from Escape & Avoidance to Authenticity & Transparency
How to Navigate Mental Illness AND Addiction/Betrayal Trauma
Should We Hide Sex Addiction and Betrayal Trauma From Our Kids?
How to be Emotionally Healthy as an Individual and Couple in 2021
Ditch the “New Year’s Resolution" BS—it doesn’t work!
Learning from Mark & Steve's "Recovery Ghosts of Christmas Past"
Recovery, Healing & the Holidays—Part Three: Finding Serenity in the Midst of Family "Stuff"
Recovery, Healing & the Holidays—Par Two: "Self Care? Forget that! It's the Holidays, Bro!"
Recovery, Healing & the Holidays—Part One: Preparing for and Managing Triggers
Where Relationship Expectations Collide with Individual Boundaries
The "Unholy Triad" that can Decimate Your Marriage!
What Does it Really mean to "Man–Up"?
How We Get Stuck in our Pain . . . and How to Heal and Move Forward
Is there a Place for "Sexual Entitlement" in a Healthy Marriage Relationship?